This is my first post on Ghost 2.0 and I'm loving the super clean layout and new features.  For anyone upgrading from Ghost on Heroku, the process for doing so wasn't super clear for me, but it's actually very easy.  

Installing Ghost on Heroku

If you have not yet installed Ghost on heroku, the process is incredibly easy.  Simply click the deploy button below provided by  


Currently, the deploy button will install version 1, but the next sections will walk through how to make the update.

If you have not already cloned a copy of the source code, do so per the instructions provided:

git clone 
cd ghost-on-heroku  
heroku git:remote -a YOURAPPNAME

Then you can push commits to your Heroku app:

git add .
git commit -m "Important changes"
git push heroku master

Migrating to Ghost 2.0

From your Ghost repository, simply install the latest Ghost version:

npm install --save [email protected]

Update your package.json file to use the latest Casper theme:

"casper": "github:tryghost/Casper#2.6.1"

Finally, push your changes to Heroku:

git add --all
git commit -m "Updating to Ghost 2.0"
git push heroku master

After Migrating

Take a look at your site, as the install may have automatically added several Ghost instructional posts to your blog that you'll want to unpublish.

That's all!  

Hope that help, as I spent longer than I should have, trying to manually do this with Ghost CLI per the official Ghost documents.  

Happy blogging!